> Quite few spanish, french, italian and german stations can be heard as 
> soon as the sun
> goes down here. The sun sets 3 hours later in California. And it is
> that many of them
> vanish after their midnight, as in the Cinderella tale. Those are their 
> sleeping hours, some
> nine hours different from those in the West Coast.
> Maybe the chinese woodpecker is obliterating them too in California...

Yeah interesting, I'm in California and my experience matches the
other guy in California. I never hear anything below 7.040.  

It makes sense though, Europe is tough from California.  I think it's
the north pole, which is a black hole for RF.  We drive all the east
coast stations insane, because we don't hear a peep and walk all over
the EU DX they are trying to work. 

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