Well the $10,000 was just a number I suppose put up for informal discussion an 
HF data mode/mode challange project.  As I learned, not necessarly a single 
$10,000 prize since there are always administrative costs such as evaluating 
entries.  Also you might have a prize for the runner up.  I always forget about 
  administrative cost when I get excited.   Again, the dollar amount was only a 

I assume the TTF, and perhaps board members, since the chairman of the TTF is 
the vice-director of the Pacific Division, discussed this probably informally 
the ARRL Annual Meeting last weekend before the TTF gave its report to the 
Board.  I am sure that the final amount will be something that the CFO and Exec 
Board will hash out.

The TTF report was accepted which does not imply that the Board was for or 
against any of the TTF report items/ideas.

But the key words are..."To overcome this, ARRL could issue a design challenge 
with a substantial monetary prize."

The thing to do now is to encourage your director (who has the vote) to push 
a "design challange" and make any monetary prize worth while to those who write 
the code. The Board and/or the Execuative Board would make the final decision 
holding the design challenge.

Professional code writers I know get from $75 to $200 per hour.


KV9U wrote:
> Walt,
> You had mentioned that your Division Director had brought up the design 
> challenge and some money set aside. Where is this in the ARRL BOD 
> minutes? Something with a $10,000 price tag surely ought to appear 
> somewhere. I can't even find much reference to digital either.
> Does relate to item 20. in reference to the Technology Task Force, to wit:
> "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposals for 2007 Working Groups in 
> the report of the Technology Task Force are adopted."
> Since this was a TTF proposal, it was automatically accepted?
> But where is any monetary reference?
> Several other proposals seem like things that have either already been 
> invented )Activity detection), or need further explaining as to what 
> they have done (Digital Multimedia Above 50 MHz group with a scalable 
> OFDM system on 6 meters).
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA wrote:
>>Please see the ARRL Technical Task Force Report  presented at the
>>January 19-20, 2007 ARRL Board of Directors 2007 Annual Meeting.
>>The last paragraph of the report is very interesting.
>>      . Data Communications Protocol (Challenge)
>>      Amateurs need Data Communications Protocols that are
>>open-source,  nonproprietary, and inexpensive to implement.
>>Pactor-III, Clover 2000, and  even implementations of NATO STANAG 4539
>>are   proprietary, though the         standard itself is not.
>>Inexpensive implementation probably dictates the use 
>>      of sound cards. The problem is how to interest designers in
>>developing    protocols and implementations while releasing
>>intellectual property rights. To      overcome this, ARRL could issue
>>a design challenge with a substantial monetary        prize.
>>And also please note the last sentence..."To overcome this, ARRL could
>>issue a design challenge with a substantial monetary prize."  Note the
>>words "substantial monetary prize."
>>I believe that this is one of the best steps forward the ARRL has made
>>in many years...real out-of-the-box" thinking.  My congratulations to
>>the ARRL and particularly the Technology Task Force for considering this
>>bold move.
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