So is 1200 baud = 1200 bps and 1200 bps (1200 / 8) = 120 cps?

If so then 120 cps (120 / 6) =  20 wps X 60 sec. or 1200 WPM.

That's over 1.5 pages per minute.  (Page = 72-76 characters X 60 - 66 lines per 


Chris Jewell wrote:
> Walt DuBose writes:
>  > How can 1200 baud = 1320 WPM?  In the case of AX.25 baud=bps since a 
>  > mark-space=one bit.
>  > 
>  > An 8 bit ASCII character with start and stop bits would be 10 bps so 1200 
>  > bps=120 CPS.
>  > 
>  > If a word is 6 characters, then 120 CPS = 20 WPM which we know is too slow.
> (120 chars/sec)  / (6 chars/word) = 20 words / second (not per minute)
> 20 x 60 = 1200 words/minute.
> Besides, while I don't know a lot about AX.25, I'm pretty sure that
> X.25, from which AX.25 is derived, is synchronous (no start or stop
> bits).

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