Hi Rick,

Cannot comment on DominoEx performance on 6 meters as noone ever 
answers me (marginal station here so no surprise). I find it to be a 
very good performer on the lower bands...I am a horrid typist (as 
many can attest) so I tend to stick to 11 baud. The use of FEC seems 
to minimize hits under less than ideal conditions (as one would 
expect). It remains my mode of preference for 80 meters due to its 
robust nature and bandwidth (although MFSK16 and Olivia have their 

73 es be well,

Bill  N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, KV9U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just got off the air with a "local" station about 35 miles north 
> me. This is our second test, last week we did the first one. We 
> to try more modes each week. Tonight we started out on 6 meters 
> and switched to Domino EX 11. Big surprise. DEX seems to have great 
> difficulty with rapid doppler from aircraft reflections. Lots of 
> This was also evident in the audio and on the waterfall. At one 
time I 
> even copied two waterfalls running parallel to each other when the 
> of the reflections were evident. We tried a faster mode with FEC 
and it 
> may have performed slightly better but I can not say for sure.
> What mode would be the very best one to handle this kind of of 
> Then we moved to 80 meters. Surprisingly, even at 7:30 PM local 
time, we 
> had outstanding signals on 80 meters running 25 watts. I copied him 
> 20 to 30 over S9 with noticeable rapid QSB, and he copied me about 
> over. Pretty good for that time of night, so the band must not have 
> long then. Right now, the FoF2 is supposed to only be 3 MHz for our 
> and it is about 45 minutes since we tested on 80. Good copy with 
> Then on 160 our signals were only S9 although pretty solid. Just 
not as 
> loud as it was on 80 meters. I expected it to be a bit better but 
> again we were running much less power than you would normally do 
> this band if you wanted to participate in a voice roundtable.
> The DEX11/FEC signal was a bit slower than we wanted so we decided 
> move to DEX22 without any FEC at all. Of course the speed is very 
> And neither of us could detect any hits at all! That was very 
> impressive. If there had been a lot of QRN, then I would have 
wanted to 
> kick in the FEC as I have found that the FEC is not only good for 
> signal, but it really does seem to work better under difficult 
> conditions, even with reasonably strong signals. I especially like 
> because unlike the nightmare I have been having with tuning in 
> it is not real critical for accurate tuning and it gives you 
> choices of speeds and the ability to use the FEC or not. The FEC of 
> course cuts whatever speed you were using in half to handle the 
> Anyone else doing anything with DEX lately and can report on how it 
> performs on various bands?
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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