Well can only relate my impressions; hope others chime in....

I think even though DominoEX halves the speed when FEC in engaged, it 
is well worth the speed trade-off. 160/80 seems to vary night to 
night in this regard; probably due to qrn and multipath. It also 
depends on one's ability/willingness to read between the lines as 
there are a few hits at the higher speeds and one needs to brain-
error correct as there is no ARQ. 
As for Throb; I find it very sensitive, but at times it does not seem 
to decode signals that are audible....never figured out why.
As for MFSK modes, yes they are very frequency sensitive although I 
have had little trouble tuning most, aside from a few that took a 
long time to sync. Multipsk's AFC seems to lock quite well on MFSK 
signals, not sure how other software does....certainly DominoEX is 
superior in that sense.
I have not worked enought MT63 to comment. I have had better luck 
with CHIP64 although both seem to not be qrp modes and require a high 
signal to noise ratio...
It is odd (but probably not so if studied correctly), on some nights 
(condx) certain modes just seem to work better under various 
conditions....at times I am amazed that Olivia can decode signals in 
the mud....other times I swear at it...one night on a VHF path only 
PSKAM10 or JT65B would get through; guess that what makes it all fun.


Bill N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, KV9U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Yes, busy night tonight on 160:)
> The question I wanted to ask the group was whether they have found 
> the lower bands (especially 80 and 160) that DominoEX (DEX) is 
> when operating at a given speed such as DEX11/without FEC or is it 
> better at twice the speed, but with FEC, e.g., DEX 22 with FEC?
> Tentatively, I almost want to say that it may be better at the 
> speed with FEC. If true, and I am not sure it is, it could be 
> the higher speed still has a fairly low baud rate, even for some 
> multipath on the lower bands. The 77 wpm speed with DEX22/FEC is 
> than is comfortable for keyboarding so a slower speed is not bad. 
> DEX11/FEC does seem quite robust, even with static crashes and who 
> how much multipath. Of course you can never get 100% copy under 
> conditions when too much of the data is damaged and the Viterbi 
> can not reconstruct the character. Then an ARQ mode would be needed.
> I wonder how well this type of mode would work with a PSKmail type 
> program? I know that I had a very difficult time reading a PSK31 
> that was up the band from me. The earlier station that I was 
> with for our weekly sked for experimenting with these modes at 
a "short" 
> distance of about 35 miles or so indicated that he had good luck 
> MT-63 in the past but the faster (wider) mode seemed to work better 
> to having the data spread out so far. Has anyone else found this on 
> lower bands with MT-63?
> The ability to only approximately tune in DEX signals is extremely 
> helpful for me as I find that I have a difficult time locking in on 
> MFSK16. Earlier tonight WA9HCZ and I started our experiments with 
> and although he could copy me solid, I could never decode his 
signal. So 
> I must have been doing something wrong. Ideally, these modes that 
> extremely accurate tuning, should have some kind of display to help 
> determine if you are far from locking in to the signal or not. 
> like we had with the early PSK programs.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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