I was not aware that the lowest S/N ratios allow for significant error 
rates. For example, the British study had what seemed perfect data 
throughput when they listed the S/N ratio below noise, although under 
AWGN and that is more similar to VHF and up compared to HF.

Based upon the multitone success of Pactor 3, it seems that having a 
moderate number of tones (18 perhaps?) might be better than having large 
numbers such as found with MT-63 (64 tones).

What would happen with a DEX44 or DEX88, with or without FEC?


Rick, KV9U

DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA wrote:

>A couple of things to consider...
>Most of the published Lowest S/N (such as by Patrick, F6CTE, Pascal, F1ULT and 
>others is based on the signal level where you are getting about 2% errors.
>The lowest S/N for MT63 is - 8 dB for 5 bauds,  - 5 dB for 10 bauds and -2 dB 
>for 20 bauds and is generally either error free or not decoding at all.
>DominoEX 16  is 15.625 baud  ~100 WPM  ~50 WPM w/FEC  
>DominoEX 22  is 21.533 baud  ~140 WPM  ~70 WPM w/FEC 
>While no specific lowest S/N is given for DominoEX, I suspect that DominoEX 22 
>is close to MT63-1K in throughput except that it more than likely DominoEx 22 
>has a lower S/N than MT-63-1K.
>Therefore one would expect DominoEX-22 to work better than MT63-1K perhaps in 
>part due to the higher baud rate and less of a tendency to be affected by 
>Doppler.  This might also be a reason that DominoEX 22 worked better than 
>DominoEX 16 w/FEC.
>As you say..."the ability to handle the vagaries of the ionosphere is often 
>more important than the raw ability to handle AWGN."

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