I think because it's easier to regulate the provider rather then the user.  If 
someone builds and 3000 watt amp themselves and it has horrible emissions that 
person has to be tracked and proven to be out of spec, not an easy task even 
when they are obviously guilty, however if Yaesu makes a digital protocol that 
uses twice the amount of legal bandwidth, there not very hard to find and 
little needs to be proven because they will have documented their product.  

Also AM has been grandfathered in.  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kd4e 
  To: Walt DuBose 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:24 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re: Call for comments on open protocols

  > Walt DuBose wrote:
  > Currently we CAN operate modes wider that 3 KHz 
  > however only to transmit images.

  Did you mean for this to apply only to digital modes?

  I have always understood that the limit factor to SSTV
  quality was tight restrictions re. speed/bandwidth.

  In response to challenges to WiFi AM and SSB the FCC
  response was that they are essentially unlimited as to
  legal bandwidth so long as they do not QRM others.

  Has that ruling been updated since (I believe it was two
  or three years ago)?

  Ragchewers running HiFi AM & SSB chew up huge chunks
  of shared Ham spectrum all the time and I am unaware
  of any FCC action to limit their bandwidth.

  Beyond that are the Hams running unfiltered broadband
  CB and homebrew amps, overdriven and some well over
  legal limits -- and little action by the FCC to stop
  that either -- they are usually obvious on the air.

  This on top of the neo-commercial abuse of Ham bands
  by automated Pactor III users.

  Why the nitpicking of digital and SSTV bandwidths
  when there is so much abuse elsewhere?

  Just wondering ...


  Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
  Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
  Personal: http://bibleseven.com


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