
You must have HRD running for logbook support. Over Easter DM780 will be 
made available as a public beta, this is 10x better than PSK31 Deluxe, it 
has a built-in logbook (HRD logic / database). It runs with / without HRD.

If you want to try the internal beta join the HRD forums 
http://forums.ham-radio.ch then send a mail to the forum admins and we'll 
give you access to the DM780 betas.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I am using PSK31 Deluxe in HRD and trying to use the HRD log and am
> having a problem. I am not using HRD for remote of the rig and am just
> using PSK31 Deluxe and the log book. The problem is that when I am in
> PSK31 Deluxe and I try to add a record to the log I get a error saying
> that I need to have HRD open. With PSK31 Deluxe I should already have
> HRD running or at least that is my understanding. The log works great
> and PSK31 Deluxe also works great but they don't want to play together.
> Is there a way to use these two programs and not be using the remote
> features of HRD. Any Ideas ??
> Thanks Gary KE7KPI

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