I am running vista on my office computer and laptop and love it.


I am NOT running it on this computer because it DIGI doesn’t have drivers
for their edgeport  usb/rs232 devices – which I use  to control all my
radios.  When and IF they do,

I will covert back to Vista on this computer  (or when I find a sub for
USB to RS232 for 8 ports).


EVERY few months I try some version of LINUX and always back it out – to
date, NO LIVE CD has come up ‘clean’ and recognized all the devices on my


I have dug in and tried manual loading, etc.. but in the end – give up,
through myself down on my knees and bow west to Mr Bill and thank him for a
truly universal operating system.


That ought to bring out the unix vs ms wars – and just to ‘qual’ my
statements – my first two computers were wirewrapped z-80 2 mhz systems,
hand written bios’s  , with 8” floppys,

My first HDD was a whopping 40meg that I had to write the bios for in 1986
--  and I refused to go to the PC (and abandon my S-100 ‘super machine –
with hacked DR Dos’ ) until

The 80286 came out.


I have been programming in C since 1979 when the K*R book was the only
reference (and called them for h elp).   


SO if I get frustrated with linux – I bet others do to and are embarrassed
or don’t care to discuss it – there are better things to spend time on than
beating linux to death to make it do something.


( I even ran a unix shell on the VAX 11/780 using VMS for a few years – and
gave up  1980-83).




Rig-expert for the Olivia modes,  telpac/wl2k, sound card programming is
better time spent, for me.


I don’t want to start a flame war,  I respect the Unix/Linux guru’s out
there, and I do depend on them – my two sons are them.  They keep my server
going that is installed at a level 3 pop –without them it would go down and
never come up.


I am speaking for MY preferences  J   I get enough flaming at home.



Cheers es happy digi


Rick W4RP / AAR4WJ




From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 9:57 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] Falling into the Vista trap


Another reason for not falling for Vista...

So why not give Linux a try? Start with the Puppy Linux Live CD with fldigi 
and other W1HKJ programs pre-installed (http://www.w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html
download flpuppy-1.30.iso). They load the live Puppy Linux amn Fldigi and
then if you want more, perhaps load Debian or Ubuntu or Kbuntu. Also, you
might find OPenOffice more to your liking than MS Office.

If you are already using your current MS OS to work digital sound card
modes, you sholdn't have to make any changes to run Fldigi with the Flpuppy
Live CD. Just one note, there is an Icon on the Puppy desktop that is called
"conncetions or network connection(s)" Run that applications to configure
you network.

73 and GL in the Contest OM.


-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com <mailto:digitalradio%40yahoogroups.com> 
[mailto:digitalradio@yahoogroups.com <mailto:digitalradio%40yahoogroups.com>
]On Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:57 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com <mailto:digitalradio%40yahoogroups.com> 
Subject: [digitalradio] Falling into the Vista trap

While not radio related, I thought I would share this BBC News article...

Falling into the Vista trap
By Tim Weber
Business editor, BBC News website

Microsoft promises to wow people who are upgrading from Windows XP to
its new operating system, but with the joys of Windows Vista comes
plenty of pain.

Computers look complicated, but are easy to upgrade

I know, I know, I'm a sucker for technology.

The shiny new Vista disk was sitting on my desk, and I just couldn't
resist giving it a try.

Even though I fell for Vista's promise - more security and certainly
much more fun than tired old Windows XP - I tried not to be stupid.

I knew my four-year-old PC might have trouble coping with Vista, not
least because of its wheezing graphics card.

When I bought it, my Dell Dimension 8200 was fairly state-of-the-art
(a few stats for the experts: Pentium 4 processor running at 2GHz,
384MB of RAM, a 64MB graphics card, and a Creative SB Live audio

Since then I had added memory (to 768MB), a second hard disk, extra
USB ports and a Wifi card.

A blunt message

But this was probably not enough, so I downloaded Microsoft's Vista
Upgrade Advisor.

Out with the old, in with the new computer memory

Microsoft's message was blunt but useful: Yes, my computer could
happily run Vista, but it would need a few crutches and new body
parts. Step-by-step instructions told me how to avoid problems:

Get a new graphics card with at least 128MB memory;
download new software for the Linksys Wifi network card, to sync my
PDA with Outlook and to make good use of my multimedia keyboard;
download the latest version of my Kaspersky Antivirus software.
With a few minor exceptions, the rest of my set-up was given a clean
bill of health, including my webcam and printer.
It turned out to be tricky to find the right graphics card. Most
shopping websites were useless in providing information on Vista
At least a dozen times, I discovered in the small print on
manufacturers' websites that there were no Vista drivers for that
particular piece of hardware. I finally settled on a Nvidia GeForce
6200 with 256MB memory.

Now here is the dirty little secret of all the expensive PC helpers
out there. Upgrading hardware is really easy.

As long as you make sure the new hardware fits into the slots that
come with your computer and does not overburden its power supply, it's
usually just a case of carefully lifting out the old and slotting in
the new piece of kit.

Do check the manual, though, to see whether you need to install the
driver software for your new equipment before or after putting it in.

If you are still worried, go online. You can find plenty of videos and
manuals providing step-by-step guides on how to do it.

Then I followed the task list drawn up by Microsoft. The Upgrade
Advisor even provided direct links for downloading new drivers and
other software.

Taking one more precaution, I made a full back-up of all my documents
to an external hard drive.

A good start

Finally I was ready to go.

I had read somewhere that a Vista installation would take 20 minutes.
Not if you upgrade from XP.

The Vista interface is slick and easy to use

After three-and-a-half hours of churning, at long last the Vista logo
filled my screen.

It was the beginning of a day of anguish.

At first sight, everything had worked fine: All user accounts,
complete with documents and software, were present and accounted for.

Vista looked slick. Its user interface was clear and set-up seemingly
easy. The XP gobbledegook had disappeared from dialogue boxes.

Installing the new wifi driver and anti-virus software was a cinch.

Software worked straight away - whether it was Microsoft Office,
Firefox or my very old copy of Photoshop Elements.

Feel the pain

But soon the problems began to mount:

Where was the internet? I could see my router, but nothing beyond -
even after a full day of tinkering with various network wizards. My
BBC laptop proved that this was not a problem with my router or ISP.
Why did my Philips webcam refuse to work? The Upgrade Advisor had
explicitly said it would.
What hardware was responsible for the three driver errors flagged up
by Vista? One seemed to be the sound card - oh yes, why did I have no
sound? But which mysterious "PCI input device" was lacking a driver?
And what was the "unknown device" flagged up by Vista?
Why did I get a "disk is full" error message every time I tried to
install my keyboard's new Intellitype software? Why did Vista refuse
to uninstall the XP-version of Intellitype?
I knew that Apple had failed to make iTunes Vista-ready, so I didn't even
But why did Microsoft's successor of Activesync, called Windows Mobile
Device Center, refuse to hook up Outlook to my trusty old Pocket PC?
Fiddling around with Vista's settings, I soon found myself deep below
its slick interface.

And the deeper I got, the more the look and jargon of dialogue boxes
took me back into the world of XP.

The casualties: old memory chips, sound and graphic cards

It took me one day to get online. The detail is tedious and highly
technical: reinstalling drivers and router firmware didn't work, but
after many trial and error tweaks to Vista's TCP/IP settings, I had
internet access.

Once online, Creative's website told me that my sound card was a
write-off. No Vista support would be forthcoming.

Grudgingly I ordered a new one. After installing it, the hardware
errors messages disappeared; the three different errors flagged up by
Vista were all triggered by my old sound card.

I also realised that my computer really needed more memory.
Annoyingly, my Dell uses an unusual flavour of memory, called RDRAM,
which is rare nowadays.

Two lost and one successful eBay auctions later, I installed one extra
gigabyte of memory.

So far the upgrade to Vista had cost me about £130.

Not cheap, but probably fair value, as it will have extended the
life-cycle of my PC by about two years.

Bearing a grudge against Philips, Dell and Microsoft

But a few problems refuse to go away and are both expensive and aggravating.

800MHz processor
512Mb memory
DirectX9 capable graphics processor
1GHz processor
1Gb memory
128Mb graphics memory
40Gb hard drive
Internet access

My Philips ToUCam still doesn't work, and plenty of angry forum
debates are testament to the distinct lack of Vista support provided
by Philips.

Even worse, Vista still refuses to talk to my Dell Axim X5 Pocket PC,
which is a mere three-and-a-half years old.

I like my PDA. It saved my bacon when my laptop died on a reporting
trip. Over five days, I filed 14 stories using the Axim and its
foldable keyboard.

I don't want to buy a new one - at least, not until I find an
affordable smart phone that is both slim and has a slide-out keyboard
(what's on the market right now is too bulky for my taste).

But my Axim uses the Pocket PC 2002 operating system, and Microsoft
has decided that Vista will work only with Pocket PC 2003 and higher.

A top Microsoft executive, who does not want to be quoted by name,
tells me that "the refresh rate on [mobile] devices is typically 18
months, from our research - hence the view that most Pocket PC 2002
devices would no longer be in use.

"Our view (which may be incorrect) is that those people using the
latest Desktop [operating system] would potentially also be using
later devices as well."

Well, I have a surprise for Microsoft: They are wrong, not least
judging from the discussions on various forums I've been to while
hunting for a solution.

While Microsoft leaves me out in the cold, Dell is no help either.

Delving into a Dell support forum, I realise the company practises
tough love. Very briefly, a couple of years ago, Dell offered X5
customers an upgrade to Pocket PC 2003. Not anymore.

So I can either throw away my Axim and invest another £200 or £300
(for a PDA and webcam), or roll back to XP and wave Vista goodbye.

To Vista or not to Vista

I find myself caught in the Vista trap. Quite apart from the pain of
having to reinstall XP, I do like Vista.

It's slick, it's fast, it is very user-friendly. I like its
applications - for example, Windows Picture Gallery, which could
become a serious competitor to my favourite image browser, Faststone.

However, there are still plenty of wrinkles. The Windows "sidebar" may
look nicer than Google desktop, but it crashes regularly and
infuriates me because its "gadgets" can not be customised.

I've had two crashes so far - not a blue but a black screen - and that
really shouldn't happen. I can't even remember my last XP crash.

And everywhere I look, there are blogs and forums full of people who
have problems with software drivers and suffer the poor customer
support of the hundreds of hardware and software vendors that make up
the Windows ecosystem.

So would I do it again?

The answer is no. Do what I originally had planned to do. Wait for
half a year until the driver issues are settled and then buy a new PC.

Once that's in place, you can upgrade and tinker with your old
machine, to give to your parents or children.

You will probably enjoy Vista, but there's little reason to do it the hard

Andy K3UK
Skype Me : callto://andyobrien73

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