Hey Dave........

As I understand it, DigiTRX won't run on less than WIN XP...... I tried it 
Win98 and failed to be able to transmit.  I WAS able to receive pictures
and I've been told that wasn't quite normal.  Others have not been able to
get Digi going on anything other than at least XP; the programs allegedly
have been written for no less than that OS.

Others have said that you need at least a 1 Ghz machine to make things
go in Digi....... I haven't seen that myself - my DigiTRX is working just 
I only need to acquire a linear amp to get the transmit going.

I run DigiTRX myself on a PIII @650 Mhz......an "oldie."  Personally, I like
DigiTRX over the current offerings but I've never been one to follow the 
as it were.

What do you mean the constellation never stabilizes?
Can you pass along your settings as you have them?

I noticed that Andrew sent you a message.  He's pretty good with the
Digi thingies.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: David Kruh
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 10:53 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Anyone using DigiTRX (Ver 3.11) for ditigal TV?`

I can't use Easy Pal because I'm running Windows Me on on older Dell
Laptop. I run DIGTRX and can see the ID in the waterfall but the
constellation never stabilizes to see the picture. Does anyone use

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