John Becker wrote:
>  Don't buy this either having played RTTY - Amtor - Pactor, and packet
>  that was above 100.... Roger please don't try that with me - I'm been
>  doing digital (RTTY) and the above mode since 1970.
>  At 08:32 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote:
> > Very simple. Because the 070 frequencies have always been
> > keyboard-to-keyboard freqs, with the modes changing over time.
> > Amtor in the 80s, Pactor (back when it was a qso mode,
> > keyboard-to-keyboard) for a few years, now PSK and MFSK and the
> > like. The oddball out are the automated stations, who used to be
> > confined up in the old Packet subband.
> >
> > de Roger W6VZV

Well, I've been doing digital since 1967.  What I said, above, is 
absolutely true.  The 070 frequencies have always been keyboard to 
keyboard frequencies, and the automatic modes are recent interlopers 
there.  If they had stayed above 14.100 or 7.100 we would not have all 
of the Pactor QRM against ordinary hams having 2 way QSOs that today we 
do, in fact, have.  Your attempt to revise history is unsuccessful.

de Roger W6VZV

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