There were some who were not that happy about the development attempt of 
SCAMP since they had such a large investment in their modems. But the 
owners wanted to come up with an alternative to the SCS modem.

SCAMP was put on hold because the programmer did not have time to 
continue further programming due to the pressing needs of the changes 
they needed to make to the underlying infrastructure. From what I can 
tell, they have only one main programmer and while his ability is in the 
spectacular range, one person can only do so much. Almost no one else 
could do the things that he has been able to do. In fact, there were 
those who were claiming that it was not possible to do.

But SCAMP just could not perform well enough to be useful on HF, except 
when conditions were quite favorable. It needed to either have the 
protocol replaced (OFDM?) which could then be made adaptive to 
conditions, or else it would need a fall back protocol.

If you look at how the original Aplink system evolved to the old Winlink 
system, it was possible to run several modes at one time on the same 
equipment and the same frequencies. In fact, RTTY Digital Journal had a 
very detailed article on how this was done a decade or two ago. Very 
clever set up of equipment and switching capabilities. Remember at one 
time they had both Clover II and Pactor.

If SCAMP had been competitive with Pactor 3 would it have been used? 
Absolutely, no question about it whatsoever. Many of those who now 
complain about Pactor 3, would been quite unhappy about SCAMP today as 
it was about the same bandwidth and was a very aggressive sounding mode. 
I would expect many more HF users of the Winlink 2000 system today and 
more use of the bands.


Rick, KV9U

jgorman01 wrote:
> Ask yourself why scamp died.  Do you really think the winlink users
> who have spent a thousand dollars or more on pactor modems are going
> to relish throwing that investment away because the winlink admin's
> have decided to go to a soundcard mode?
> Jim

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