This contest allows digital modes as well as CW and SSB-Phone.

Rules for the 51st Annual Spring QCWA QSO Party

QCWA invites you to participate in the 2007 QSO parties. All licenced
Radio Amateurs world wide are invited.
Time/Dates: The Spring QSO party will commence on March 31 at 1800 Hrs
UTC. It will run for a period of 24 Hours.
Frequencies: The following 15 Bands may be used: -

1.8:  1.800 - 2.000       14.0:  14.000 - 14.150        28.3:  28.3 - 29.7
3.5:  3.500 - 3.750       14.2:  14.150 - 14.350        50.0:  50.0 - 54.0
3.9:  3.750 - 4.000       21.0:  21.000 - 21.200       144.0: 144.0 - 148.0
7.0:  7.000 - 7.150       21.2:  21.200 - 21.450       220.0: 220.0 - 225.0
7.2:  7.150 - 7.300       28.0:  28.000 - 28.300       UHF  : above 420 Mhz

Any station may be contacted on any or all of the 15 bands for a
maximum of 15 QSO's per station, with no more than one QSO per Band.
Any station in your home QCWA chapter may be counted only once, for a
maximum of one QSO per station. No contacts on WARC bands are
permitted (10, 18 and 24 Mhz Bands). No Cross Band or Repeater
Contacts are allowed.
Suggested Starting Frequencies:

CW:      1.810:   3.540:   7.035:   14.040:   21.050:   28.050
Phone:   1.845:   3.890:   7.244:   14.262:   21.365:   28.325
Calling (CW or Phone):  CQ QCWA

Information Exchange: Fill Columns on the Log Form. For the "year"
column, indicate the last 2 digits of the year the station operator
was first licenced. If the contacted station does not belong to a QCWA
chapter show only the State, Province or Country of its location. The
latter would apply to Non QCWA members as well as to QCWA members who
are not affiliated with a local chapter. Do Not mention the term "At
Large" (AL) as was done several years ago, as this can be confused
with AL for Alabama. For Band info, simply indicate one of the above
15 Bands in the "band" column.

Categories: You may choose to work all modes (MIXED) or only (PHONE)
or only (CW/DIGITAL). Certificates will be issued for each Category of
"Cw/digital", "Phone", or "Mixed"

Scoring: Each Phone QSO is worth one contact point. Each CW QSO or
other Digital Mode QSO such as RTTY, PSK31, MFSK etc. is worth 2
contact points (show 2 points in the QSO Points Column on the Log). A
Multiplier of one point is given for each QCWA Chapter worked and for
each State, Province or Country reported from stations not belonging
to a QCWA Chapter. A total of only one multiplier point will be given
for each State, Province or Country. A Multiplier of 3 points will be
given on each of the 15 Bands for working our Special Events Station
W2MM. It is hoped to have this station active throughout the two
parties. Stations within 50 miles (80 Kms) of W2MM, may work W2MM only
once for a total multiplier of 3 points. Sample logs and a summary
sheet may be requested from QCWA Headquarters with an SASE. The
address is P O Box 3247 Farmingham, MA 01705-3247 USA. They are also
on the internet at . Contacts with QCWA Memorial Station
W2MM count as three multipliers on each of the 15 bands.

Awards: Certificates will be issued for the top 3 World Scores in each
category. A certificate will also be issued for the top score in each
category in each participating Country.

Send Logs to: W2OD, Robert Buus, 8 Donner Street, HOLMDEL N.J.
07733-2004, U.S.A.
                          or as an e-mail attachment to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rules/logsheets/summary form are available at website

Andy K3UK
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73

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