expeditionradio wrote:
> Hi Walt,
> For scanning ALE, I'm using a broadband dipole of 
> my own design... it is not an infamous T2FD.
> Although the T2FD is OK for ALE work, it is not 
> well-suited to my neighborhood or the available space :)
> I have two HF stations running simultaneously here... 
> after linking with the low power scanning ALE system, 
> I often switch over to my QRO rig for QSO.
> The QRO rig is also set up for ALE and digital texting modes. 
> For more info on the broadband HF antenna, 
> see my Coaxial Antenna System, Patent #7151497.
> http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/patog/week51/OG/html/1313-3/US07151497-20061219.html
> or
>  http://shorterlink.com/?1OASQ3
> Bonnie KQ6XA
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Walt DuBose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>You didn't opt of the T2DF dummyload antenna did you?
>>With 175ft of space for an antenna, and two 150ft towers, I can tell
> you how to 
>>make one heck of a gain and wide bandwidth antenna with NVIS as well
> and some 
>>pretty fine low angle radiation for 80-10M.  Its tried and true.

Oh yes, I remember your original post.

Luon told me about its posting when he called it to my attention.

I don't know why Luon hasn't gotten his ham license yet now that he has a 
job with the government...Oh yea, he likes high speed motorcycles.  He worked 
for me while with EDS and later after bumming around went to work for the 
Office.  He likes projects like your antenna proposes.

We used the T2DF, a.k.a. B&W 3-20, in Desert Storm and Desert Shield.  I 
personally ordered over 200 units for Aeromedical Evacuation and know that the 
Army and Air Force (comm) ordered many more.  It didn't work worth a hoot 
without a counterpoise on or around the working frequencies.  I had to be bused 
with ALE.  But once established a connection, we changed from 100 watts to 500 
watts and used a modified Inverted L and tuner with multi-frequency 
counterpoises.  We also used the Harris RF-1912 when we could get them.

Our primary theater comm. used an older Harris system (1 KW) and a wire LDPA 
pointing into a ground shield made up of 2 acres of #0 bronze wire.  The last 
element of the LPDA (about 16 ft long) was only 10-15 ft above ground. 
Frequencies were selected using another ALE system and 100 watt trasnceiver.



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