Hey Danny......... You know, I don't have a problem posting my newbie/learning messages off line to whomever I am getting help from. I concur with your message but if there's ONE member who perceives the thread to be merely that of confirming contacts and not learning curves, there may be others.
Besides, 'tis better to look goofy in private than expose to everyone how much of a mushroom you are. That's always safer Hmmm....... the thread is kinda like BETA testing. When we've got the kinks ironed out off line, then Andy could publish an ONLINE update to the Bozo project he created. That way the forum is krispy clean. I'm going back to that...that....er....OTHER mode and continue fiddlin' and wrack up the world-wide contacts with everyone. Howard W6IDS Richmond, IN ----- Original Message ----- From: Danny Douglas To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:15 AM Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Do we need a separate group for JT65A? Isnt this the reason for the group? If we had a separate group for every mode, there would be dozens of sites we woudnt even be aware of, and it would drag none of us into researching the modes ourselves. If the mode gets big enough, and lasts, beyond the initial excitement of a new mode, then it is possible it does need a new group, or spotting group at least, but for now, lets leave it be.