I might mention that upon looking at the Donner's website, they had a 
USB to COM serial adapter but they were not sure if it worked with MS 
Vista. I contacted them recently and had several e-mail exchanges with 
Mrs. Donner since she wanted to know about my experiences with Vista and 
I shared some of the pros and cons.

Their adapter is the same as sold by other suppliers such as Newegg. It 
is a "no name" kind of product and based upon the picture and mini CD 
disk and packaging almost has to be the same product. Not only does this 
interface work with Vista, the drivers are already in Vista so you just 
plug it in and it works.

Although Vista has some downsides, I am beginning to see that the 
positives well outweigh the negatives, especially for average and/or 
non-technical users. I like stuff that "just works" for a change. 
Especially for digital radio purposes. Since DX Lab Commander works well 
with Multipsk, this continues to be my digital software choice. One 
simplification I have recently tried is to use wxLogbook in place of the 
DX Lab logging program which I have not been able to get to work with 
Vista (although others claim they have had no problem). wxLogbook seems 
to work just fine with Vista.


Rick, KV9U

Mark Milburn wrote:
> Have you tried opening up the Donner interface?  There
> is a limited amount of reduction by adjusting the
> control inside the box.
> Also, what software are you using?  MixW has a control
> built into the software that will reduce the output
> and probably some of the other software programs have
> such a configuration control as well.
> 73  Mark   KQ0I
> Des Moines, Iowa

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