Calling CQ and listening on 14077.0.  Starting mode: Olivia 16-500.

PhilW de KA1GMN

Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Good 
idea Bonnie.

On 4/13/07, expeditionradio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                          
          Hi Andy, 
 VFO Frequency 14077.0 kHz USB
 Starting mode: Olivia 16-500 
 (Olivia 16 tones - 500Hz bandwidth)
 Center audio frequency for Olivia  = 1000Hz.
 73---Bonnie KQ6XA
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Andrew O'Brien"
 > I would like stations to test weak signal propagation and decoding
 > characteristics , this weekend's conditions look ideal (i.e.
 > propagation is expected to be poor on 20M and up).
 > I would suggest that stations pair off and work each other via Olivia
 > at first, establish the lowest workable power levels between the two
 > stations using Olivia, and then switch to MT63 DominoEx ,  Throb, and
 > JT65A.  I suggest you use the same frequency for the tests, please
 > avoid the standard JT65A frequencies (14076, 7076) .  Always " QRL? "
 > Please report your results here.  Feels free to play around and add
 > other tests if you like.
 > Andy K3UK

Andy K3UK
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73 


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