Just in case you think you were  dreaming....

015800  6   -8 -0.5  -27  4 *      ZS6BUN VE7CUS CN89        1   0
015900  0  -14  0.0   -5  3
020000  7   -5 -0.1  -30  3 *      ZS6BUN VE7CUS CN89        1   0
020100  7  -14  0.0   -5  3 #      VE7CUS ZS6BUN KG43  OOO   1   0

I saw it too...Great work Darrel. 10,430 miles.

Andy K3UK

On 4/14/07, Darrel Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I just worked ZS6BUN on 40 meters. That would be 16544 km from here.
I would not believe it if I hadn't seen it. Using TS-940SAT into loop
at 40 ft and about 65 watts. Computer is an old Compaq running Linux
from the pskmail live disc.


Andy K3UK
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73

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