
Please try to spread out when working JT65 on the HF bands. It is impossible to 
decode signals when they overlap. Remember that the transmit tones are fixed 
and will not change unless you change your dial frequency. 

Clicking on signals that are some X-hertz away from zero-beat in the SpecJT 
waterfall, or the red spike in the WSJT window, will not change your transmit 
frequency tones. It will only 'zero-in' on the incoming signal. The outgoing 
tones stay the same. 

Working JT65 stations this way, without zero-beating, is essentially the same 
as working split; it's a waste of spectrum and can interfere with other QSO's.  

One way around this is to use your VFO to dial-in the station you want to work. 
Pay attention to the DF after you decode the station by clicking the sync tone 
(red spike) in the main WSJT window. The DF will tell you how far to move your 
dial frequency to work that station. 

If your dial frequency reads 14076.0 and a station is decoded with a DF of 
+300hz, then move your dial frequency to 14076.3 to zero beat. This will put 
your TX tones near the calling station. 
It's a good idea to click the TOL to widen it a bit in case your slightly off 


73, Tony - KT2Q

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