Here is a current list of 7MHz world bandplans for comparison. It is
interesting to note the apparent common worldwide segment for 500Hz
bandwidth digital texting/data at 7035-7038kHz. It is defined for
digital/data/texting in all areas of the world. 

In Japan, this segment shares SSB activity, but DX digital is
specifically allowed. In USA, this segment shares with CW, but
digital/data is allowed.

The Digitalradio Group's international 7MHz frequency is 7034kHz USB,
which overlaps part of the 7035-7038 segment. 

Bandplan listings are attached below.

73---Bonnie KQ6XA

More info see:

==IARU Region 1 Bandplan== (Europe/Africa/MidEast/Russia)
7035 - 7038 [500HzBW] Narrow band modes - digimodes 
7038 - 7040 [500HzBW] Narrow band modes – digimodes, automatically
controlled data stations (unattended) 
7040 - 7043 [2700HzBW] All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled
data stations (unattended)
7043 -7100 [2700HzBW] All modes, Image Centre of Activity 7043 kHz,
Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity 7060 kHz, SSB QRP Centre of
Activity 7090 kHz 
7100 - 7200 [2700HzBW] All modes

==IARU Region 2 Bandplan== (North and South America)
7000 - 7035 CW 
7035 - 7040 Digimode with other Regions, CW 
7040 - 7050 Packet with other Regions, CW 
7050 - 7100 Phone, CW 
7100 - 7120 Digimode, Phone, CW 
7120 - 7165 Phone, CW 
7165 - 7175 SSTV, FAX, Phone, CW 
7175 - 7300 Phone, CW

==IARU Region 3 Bandplan== (Asia/Pacific/Australia/Oceania)
7000 - 7300 CW
7025 - 7040 NB
7030 - 7300 Phone
7100 - 7300 Secondary
NB: Narrow band modes including CW, RTTY, Packet and modes with
similar bandwidth not exceeding 2 kHz. 
Phone: Phone operation includes SSTV, FAX and modes with similar
bandwidth not exceeding 2 kHz.

==Australia Bandplan==(WIA)
7000 - 7300 CW
7030 - 7040 Digital Modes (Note 2)
7040 - 7300 SSB
7075 WICEN frequency
Note 2: Modes
"Digital Modes" includes all modes such as RTTY, packet and Amtor,
using FSK or PSK and with bandwidths up to 1.12 kHz. The SSB segment
can also be used for image transmission modes such as SSTV or Fax,
using bandwidths up to 4 kHz.  

==USA Bandplan== (ARRL)
7040 RTTY/Data DX
7080-7125 RTTY/Data
7171 SSTV
7290 AM calling frequency

==Japan Bandplan== (JARL)
7000 - 7100 CW
7025 - 7030 Digital
7030 - 7045 Digital DX
7030 - 7100 Narrow Phone, Image


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