Hello Leigh,

Guess it depends on the operator, but do not think time is an issue 
if the end result is worth it....in the EME and MS world, an HF JT65A 
contact speeds along, usually. Not to mention endless time some spend 
in a pile-up, waiting for a net to come around to one or listening to 
white noise for a vhf opening on a "dead" band. 


Bill N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Leigh L Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Actually, my point is just the opposite.  There is delay, but I 
> think it accumulates.
> JT65a on HF shows me 2 things:
> 1. Hams will spend a minute per over to get a contact when the band 
> "dead"
> 2. Timed TX start is possible and gives a great value
> One of the problems of digital speech is the S/N figures requires, 
> if we relax the real time requirement, we can get by with a worse 
> ratio.  Couple this with the repeater idea, and you get a real 
> advantage.

> So, let's say you can (just to pic a random number) send 10 seconds 
> spech in 30 seconds.  So you TX for 30 seconds, starting on the
> minute boundary.  Then you RX for 10 seconds to the higher-power 
> repeater to get (close to) realtime audio. That leaves the other 
end of 
> you QSO 20 seconds to think and talk 10 seconds worth before :00 
> around and he or she starts to TX.
> This isn't like PTT for the AOR DV system, but it wouldn't require 
> hardware designs, just soundcard software.  It would have a similar 
> feeling to the JT65a system, which we know people are willing to 
> experiment with.  And, it doen't accumulate delay.
> Leigh/WA5ZNU

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