In order to use a software version of Amtor, you would need to switch to 
Linux OS. From what I have read, however, it is not very effective 
compared to a dedicated box. Amtor had its day, and I operated it with 
several different types of boxes, but it is fairly slow and can not work 
into the noise as well as the newer sound card modes, and it can not 
handle the full ASCII character set.

I think you will find that the new 141A FAE mode to do better than Amtor 
and you have the full ASCII character set and you have quasi duplex 
operation very similar to the way that Clover II worked.

The free Multipsk program can decode AMTOR ARQ but of course has no way 
to handle repeats. It can transmit and receive with AMTOR FEC. 
Similarly, it can listen to Pactor 1 ARQ and it can transmit Pactor FEC.


Rick, KV9U

Danny Douglas wrote:
> Since I dont use either Pactor or Amtor, I couldnt really recommend any
> software for either, except I do know that MixW shows both a Pactor and
> Amtor as well as 16 other modes.  But, I believe those two are for receive
> only.  Someone on here may know otherwise and would ask them to chime in
> here.  The last time I used either was 10 or so years ago with a tnc, and
> there were so few using them, I gave them up for Lent. As to RTTY, I still
> enjoy it, but most folks have switched over to PSK on daily oprerations, It
> certainly copies weak signals much better than RTTY, but RTTY contests still
> are a popular gathering place.

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