I'd put the "blame" on contest organizers who establish digital mode
(PSK) contest categories like 50W+.

If people come into digital modes "up the ladder" - asking someone
else - I can't believe most would learn that 50W+ is not being a good
neighbor. So what is the incentive? If a contest has a category for
high power - hot doggies, I guess that means 75W on PSK is okay after all.

You are not alone.

--- In, list email filter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Now, everyone remember their (and my) blood pressure... just a minute 
> while I get the asbestos armor adjusted...
> <Rant>
> What would the bands be like if say... digital contest points were ahhh 
> divided by power output, and people started working on operating skills?
> Or does the concept of using the minimal power necessary for reliable 
> communications really fly in the face of the plug-n-play point-n-click 
> crowd?
> </Rant>
> I know it's not a new idea, just getting tired of seeing my whole 
> waterfall blank out to a single station.  Honestly, there are stations 
> out there that are worse than my microwave oven.  Oh well, at least I 
> know how well my IF Shift works, and I've finally found a use for my 
> narrow filter on the digital modes.
> Well, I feel much better now. ;)
> -- 
> 73,
> Erik
> IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5
> Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo 
> group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them.
> you want to email me directly, try 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, thanks.

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