I've been playing around with this on 20M.

The new version which does the decoding starting at 48 seconds is a
big help.

Of the the 25 contacts I've made all were clearly audible.  All could
have been worked on CW with no difficulty.  They could have been
worked on PSK or other such modes too--much more quickly.  Most came
from answers to my CQ's. 

Is this the experience of others? 

So what is the benefit on HF?  

I clearly don't see this as being the future of HF ham radio.  It
isn't the killer ap. (I'm sure the MS, moonbounce and VHF capabilities
are great and that was the original design objective)

I'm a bit perplexed that stations which are S6 and above show up at
-6db or so on the display.  I know what it is editing.  It is a pretty
useless number to most users.  What I want to know is: "how far below
the current noise floor is the signal that I'm now working".  It would
seem that such a "below the noise" number could be determined and
editied.  Isn't this what all users (HF and V/UHF) want to know?

73 de Brian/K3KO

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