There's nothing wrong with the current ALE...I'm just dreaming and thinking 
could happen in the future.



Rick wrote:
> Walt,
> What is wrong with the current ALE design? One of the primary goals of 
> ALE is to call up or otherwise alert someone that you want to 
> communicate with and seems to meet your objectives.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Walt DuBose wrote:
>>I don't see the current ALE as being anywhere close to the desires of 
>>amateurs...however, it IS a good start.
>>I look for the future to allow hams to transmit ALE queries on one or several 
>>frequencies on each of the hambands and individual stations or net stations 
>>being called would respond on a specific frequency.  This would allow 
>>QSOs between individual amateurs as well as the ability to call nets together 
>>other than regualr net times, i.e. emergency nets or listing traffic for 
>>stations or locations.  It could easily be used for calling CQ and indicating 
>>you "listening" frequency.  Another use would be for evaluating propagation 
>>between various areas by using ALE "beacon or propagation" stations.

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