JAS-1 was the first japanese amateur radio satellite that had a 
particular digital mode.

Jose, CO2JA


Barry Murrell wrote:
>  Hi All
>  I have acquired a Tasco Telereader TNC-24MkII Allmode terminal, with
>  no software. Is there anyone in the group familiar with this unit
>  that can help me to find any software that supports it, or can advise
>  how to set it up? Can't even find it under the list of TNCs supported
>  by AGWPE :-(
>  The unit supports packet, CW, RTTY and FAX, as well as some form of
>  1200bps PSK packet and JAS-1 (whatever that may be!!)
>  Apparently Tasco went out of business in 2001.... Any assistance with
>  getting this thing working would be greatly appreciated!
>  73 de Barry Murrell ZS2EZ (EX ZR2DX / ZR6DXB) KF26TA - Port
>  Elizabeth,South Africa Member : PEARS, SARL, ARRL, SA AMSAT


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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