Can you explain what this means to all of us?? Are there "Repeaters" that are NOT treated as repeaters?
Rod KC7CJO Mark Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Jay Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:15:49 PM Subject: NFCC votes to recommend FCC treat all repeaters as repeaters The membership of the National Frequency Coordinators' Council has voted to ask the FCC to treat all repeaters as repeaters, regardless of mode or transmission protocol. The following motion was adopted: That the NFCC send a letter to the FCC that states that the NFCC believes that any amateur station, other than a message forwarding system, that automatically retransmits a signal sent by another amateur station on a different frequency while it is being received, regardless of any delays in processing that signal or its format or content, is a repeater station within the meaning of paragraph 97.3(a)(39) of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission, and should be treated as such. Under the NFCC's proportional voting system, 93 votes were cast in favor of the motion by 19 members, and 54 against by 11 members. The letter will be sent to the FCC's Bill Cross today. -- Jay Maynard, K5ZC (Yes, that's me!) Buy Hercules stuff at --------------------------------- Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.