>From the digital radio reflector 7 years ago this month

WinWarbler 1.7.0 is available

WinWarbler allows you to conduct QSOs using the PSK31 mode developed by
Peter Martinez, G3PLX. To aid PSK31 DXers and contesters, WinWarbler can
simultaneously decode and display PSK transmissions on three separate
frequencies. A PC running Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT with an SVGA or better
display is required; for acceptable performance, a 75 mHz CPU and 32 mb of
RAM are typically adequate. WinWarbler is free, and contains no advertising.
Commercial use is expressly forbidden.


Keep in mind that WinWarbler is still in beta test. It is configured to
terminate on any error, rather than gracefully recover; should you observe
such an error, please send me email with the circumstances and error
information reported by the program.


More comments on the Chautauqua Contest this weekend....

>From Don AA5AU
" PSK31 contesting is very challenging. Much more so than RTTY. It takes
hand-eye coordination and less ear-coordination.

I've worked some nice DX so far including a JA2. JL6HKJ just answered my CQ
and that's pretty cool. This mode takes a lot of practice. . 7M4DWT just
me. Man, this is COOL! "

More later, 73 de Don AA5AU

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Mixw Launched..

Hello all,

For several modes Psk31, FSK31, RTTY, CW, MTTY, Packet , this is an fb
Windows program for RX and TX.
There are also an few RX only modes : Feldhell and Pactor-1.
Try the Demo.

73 de Paul, pa0ocd



Re: [digitalradio] What Next In Digital Modes ?

At 07:06 PM 9/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>It has been an amazing past few months for the digital ham. The advancements
>of Digipan, the astounding features in Zakanaka , Multimode MixW, The
>robust MT63, Stream and it's amazing MFSK16, The ever improving Throb mode,
>and the astonishing RTTY product MMTTY.
>So what next folks ? It seems that RTTY is now accessible to all with a
>$10.00 soundcard, PSK31 is very efficient, and MFSK and Throb are out there
>breaking ground in the weak signal/QRM laden world.
>Anyone have ideas where we are headed? What we still need ? Digital voice
>transmissions????? Anything else ?

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