Hi Steve,

My first response to you may have been over the top because of others
previous messages. My apologizes.

I want to compare the ALE waveforms with other existing waveforms. This is
difficult because the values reported by ALE do not conform to normal
standards for digital communications. I think I can roughly map the ALE SN
to standard analog SNR. The bit error rate is elusive. I am working from the
ALE milspec. I am asking that you show me some numbers for the assertion

"ALE is not just a possible candidate, for the fastest and most 
reliable means of connecting with stations of interest on HF on the 
best BER/SNR channel it is the best !"

I ask not because I am trying to trash ALE but to determine where
improvements are needed so in 2-5 years there are better ham digital

Rud Merriam K5RUD 
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX

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