Each January, I publish the list rules.  The primary rule is that we
avoid personal attacks while encouraging vigorous debate of topic
associated with amateur digital radio.  Most of the time, the rules
are followed and I have very little do do.

  The other day, i saw a post that John VE5MU posted and it singled
out a AA6YQ on an issue.  My first instinct was to step in and remind
people of the basic rule.  Knowing John VE5MU, I then decided that
perhaps I misunderstood the context of his remark and thus I took no

Upon return from the office this evening, I see that others have
reacted to VE5MU's post and some personal issues have emerged.  looks
like my first instinct was correct.  I am sure that John VE5MU meat no
real "dissin", but context within an email is often difficult to
discern.  So, I apologise to the group, I should have addressed the
matter in a friendly way and asked for the tone to be turned down a

Here is an except from the rules...

This group is uncensored. Members are free to engage in the posting of
information, solicit answers to questions, and engage in lively

Expressions of diverse opinions are encouraged. However, expressions
of opinion should
be non-judgmental and devoid of personal insult. For example : You can
say " I really
disagree, and I think your view is totally wrong" but should not say
"You are a jerk,
and obviously have the I.Q of a mole".

Racist remarks, or remarks intolerant of the diverse cultures found
within the amateur
 radio community, are not allowed.

The expression of fraternal greetings associated with varying holidays
celebrated around the world are NOT prohibited.

The use of swear  words is discouraged.

Please try to avoid endless debate of a topic. Make your opinions
known by all means,
respond to counterpoints a couple of times too, if you want. However,
after a while debates
often turn in to endless circular arguments. When this happens the
moderators will occasionally "end the debate" by giving a 72 hour
notice. This means after 72 hours notice, posting on the topic should
end. Occasionally, a "cooling off" period is enacted whereby the list
is  placed on fully moderated status to allow the debate to cool of.
In 2006 for example,
this happened three times.


The goal of this group is that no member will be removed or banned simply
 because they expressed an idea. Only one member has ever been banned
If you post or
reply to a message that is considered clearly inappropriate, you will receive a
friendly message from the Moderator. If you continue to send
inappropriate messages
you will receive an official warning. If the offensive posting
continues you will
placed on moderated status for at least 30 days. Repeat of such actions after
removal of moderated status will result in a one year ban from this group.

The posting of pornographic messages or pictures (to Files section) will result
in an immediate ban
Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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