It works for me, and others.


On 10/8/07, Lou Everett, Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   This link definately doesn't have any list, nor does it terminate as it
> should.
> Lou  WA5LOU
> *Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  It took a while, but I have mined the information associated with the
> 2900 plus members of the Digitalradio mail list and created membership
> numbers from those that were obvious amateur radio call signs. Of the
> 2900+, I managed to find 1415 call signs. Just about 50%
> You can find the membership list , by call sign and number, at
> I will also upload the list sorted alphabetically and by number to the
> files sections of this mail list
> To find your call sign , you can use the FIND command in your browser,
> I will put up a more sophisticated database that you can search when I
> figure out how (advice/ideas accepted).
> If you are not listed, it is because I could not find your call sign
> in the Yahoo groups roster. Just email me and I will add you. New
> members, henceforth, will automatically be assigned a number when
> they join.
> I assigned LOW numbers to some of the well known digital hams and to
> some of the people that have posted here recently. I have reserved 70
> or so other low numbers for people that I may have missed or those
> with a high number who want to advocate for a lower one. Low numbers
> will have special multiplier significance in future digital mode contests.
> So what do you do with the numbers?
> The numbers will have two purposes:
> 1. They will be used for future digital mode contests (as part of the
> exchange) and
> 2. will be used in casual QSOs where both parties (if members of
> Digitalradio) will exchange their "DRCC Number" (Digital Radio Century
> Club number). I stole the idea from the Straight Key Century Club , a
> CW club that I belong to .
> There will be several awards announced in the next few weeks but the
> first ones will be
> DRCC . Have a digital QSO and collect 100 DRCC numbers (PSK,
> MFSK16/8, ALE 8FSK, Olivia, PACTOR, PACKET, DominoEx, Hell, MT63, PAX,
> RTTY, SSTV, Throb, etc , etc) Upon receiving the DRCC award, a special
> letter will be affixed to your membership number. Your membership
> number will then worth more points in a digital modes contest.
> DRCC Multimode : Exchange 100 individual DRCC numbers in FIVE
> different digital modes (100 in each mode). Upon receiving the DRCC
> Multimode award, a special letter will be affixed to your membership
> number. Your membership number will then worth even more points in a
> digital modes contest.
> Certificates will be emailed to each successful applicant upon
> submission of a log detailing each QSO
> (date/time/band/mode/callsigns/RST and both DRCC numbers exchanged)
> The QSOs must have taken place SINCE September 30 , 2007.
> A web based submission process will eventually be developed.
> Email me for more details.
> Andy K3UK
> Owner.

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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