>OK... I just downloaded #5.
>Note that if I use PTT to key the radio, it WORKS (yay!) -- but if I
>CAT to key the radio, the radio will key but not unkey.

To follow-up my own post... With PTT, keying the radio works fine, but
CAT control (such as changing frequency) is intermittent.  It'll work
for a while and then just stop.

I suspect that there's some odd interaction between the radio control
implemented in PCALE and N8VB's vCOM drive.  But, as a result, I'm not
having any sustained luck running PCALE with PowerSDR.  I checked the
HFLINK archives, but didn't see anything specific to the SDR-1000 that
was helpful.

Just reporting what I'm experiencing,

de Peter K1PGV

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