--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Demetre SV1UY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Dave Bernstein" <aa6yq@> wrote:
> >
> > >>>Since the initiator is typically remote from the PMBO, the 
> > initiator cannot reliably determine that PMBO will not QRM an ongoing 
> > QSO. You could activate a PMBO in England on a frequency that sounds 
> > clear in Greece, and yet the PMBO's transmissions will QRM a station 
> > in Iceland that you cannot hear in Greece. The PMBO control operator 
> > cannot depend on you a remote initiator to ensure that his or her 
> > station never QRMs an ongoing QSO unless you have real-time access to 
> > the PMBO's receiver -- which you don't.
> There is only a simple and logical solution. Don't operate anything
> else than wide digital in the digital subbands, just like noone in
> their right mind operates SSB in the CW portions of the bands.
> 73 de SV1UY


Don't operate anything else than wide digital in the wide digital
subbands. The wide modes don't usually have a problem. This way your
narrow QSOs will be in their own subbabd and you will not be crying
when a PACTOR PMBO steps all over you. Just like you never take a hike
in the highway because the fast cars will run over you.

73 de SV1UY

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