--- expeditionradio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The recent RTTY contest leads one to ponder: 
> "Why don't we see much backlash against contests?"
> By orders of magnitude, contests create more QRM 
> than any other cause on ham radio. They commonly 
> render multiple ham bands nearly unusable for 
> normal communications, for several days at a time.

Bonnie I AGREE !

The problem is with contests they are not limited to a
small part of any band so they TAKE OVER.
They sit on known calling or net frequency's jamming
them for hours or even DAYS at a time. AND are very
quick to tell others that they HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE

Its not limited to HF or any mode .....

On 50.125 MHz on 6 meters one of them Here in Florida
will send CW for a while or until he feels he has run
off the SSB users then switches to SSB to work the dx
now that he has cleared the frequency off .... He does
the same on 2 SSB.


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