Rud Merriam wrote:

> Jose,
> Just as you were posting this message I was stumbling on a web site that
> agreed with your comment.
> With further searching I think I have the relationship. The QEX article has
> the statement that to go from the 3kHz bandwidth used you "subtract 34 dB
> and add 10 log of the desired bandwidth in Hz". But I think he has it wrong.

I have not seen such article yet.

> My search found that you adjust by taking 10log(BWoriginal/BWdesired) and
> adding it to the given figure. 

Makes sense, in the way it takes the extra bandwidth into consideration.

> I think the author neglected to consider that
> the power of the signal is unchanged during the calculation. The result is
> you need to add 19.82 dB to the reported values to obtain the SNR for a
> 31.25 Hz signal.

Seems to be in the ballpark. I had mentally derived some 17 dB as a 
correction factor, but did not actually calculate it.

As Patrick explained, the 3 kHz bandwidth is a sort of equal yardstick 
to measure up the different modes.

> As proof (I hope <g>):
> Signal: 3000  Noise (3kHz): 3000      SNR(dB): 0
> Signal: 3000  Noise (31.25Hz): 31.25  SNR(dB): 19.82
> Where the noise is 1 Watt-s per Hz. 
> The article reports that PSK-31 work down to -12 dB in AWGN this actually
> means it work to 7.82 dB. The channel capacity for that SNR per
> Shannon-Hartley is 88 bps. PSK-31 attains less that half the channel
> capacity.

Seems it is time to dust off my copy of Sklar's book....


Jose, CO2JA


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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