Hello Patrick and the group,

I have just installed the latest version of MultiPSK, and I have found
something odd.

I have two soundcards in my shack PC - one is the Soundblaster 16, which I
use for radio work, and the other is the on-board AC97, which gets used for
Windows sounds.

In the set-up (CONFIG) panel, I had the INPUT set as the SB16, and in the
OUTPUT, the line SAME CARD AS INPUT was selected.
However, this gave me NO power output at all, but when I selected the SB16,
all worked OK.

It would appear that if you select the SAME CARD AS INPUT, you do not get
any output power at all.
You have to select the correct card.

This is just an observation, and may help others with two soundcards.

Very best 73


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