Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> I have updated the database of Digital Radio Century Club ahead of the
> European PSK Club PSK63 QSO party.  The database is at
> I updated it to include all recent new members of this group, at least
> those that had a callsign in their subscription information.  If you
> are a member and do not see yourself in the database, email me and
> specify your callsign.
> To participate in the DRCC post-QSO party contest (see previous
> posts),  your callsign must be listed in the DRCC database prior to
> 0000 UTC 18/11/07
My callsign is in the .sigfile.

John "Smokey Behr" Gleichweit FF1/EMT, CCNA, MCSE
IPN-CAL023 N6FOG UP Fresno Sub MP183.5 ECV1852
List Owner x6, Moderator x4 CA-OES 51-507

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