Hi John.....i run Kubuntu 7.10 here....thats Ubuntu with the KDE 
desktop....but basicly the same.....fldigi is the best PSK31 and 
multidigi program available you can d/l at www.w1hjk.com.....use the 
binary as it is easy to get setup.....BUT read the Help file first you 
will need a couple of other libraries as well......you can also in a 
console type 'apt-get install fldigi' and you will get and early copy 
from the Ubuntu file system....it should get the other libs as well...

if you have a problem please dont hesitate to e-mail me and i will give 
you a lot of help

73 David VK4BDJ

bright235spark wrote:
> Hi to all,
> This my first post to the group.I am a qrp operator of psk31.
> I have been using Digipan and Ham radio software with Win XP but would
> like to move to Ubuntu.
> Can any one in the group recommend PSK31 software that integrates
> with Gnome and a logging programme ?
> I would also like some help compiling it with synaptic.
> Many thanks for an interesting group,
> 73
> John F5VLM G-QRP

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