Announcing the Digital Radio Century Club New Year Contest

Date :                              January 1  2008

Time :                             1300 to 0000Z

Mode.                             Olivia .  Maximum bandwidth 500.
Suggested tones 4, or 8,  but all permitted.

                                       Suggested CQ..       "CQ DRCC CQ DRCC"

Bands :                          20M or 40M ONLY. (suggested frequency
range 14073-14080 and/or 7034-7040 USB.)

Class:                            Single operator low power only
(under 100 watts)

Exchange:                     DRCC members send  name and DRCC number.
                                      Non-DRCC members send name and country.

Multipliers:                    Number of stations worked with DRCC
numbers under 100 and...
                                     Number of stations worked outside
your continent*

Scoring  :                    5 points each DRCC member contact
                                   1 point each  non- DRCC member contact
                                   Stations can be worked once per band

Example ....                 K3UK works 55 DRCC stations ,      275
                                   K3UK works 20 non-DRCC stations,  20 poiints
                                                     sub-total =
295 Points

                                   Of 55 DRCC stations worked, 10 gave
DRCC numbers below 100.

                                   295*10 = 2,950 points

                                   Of 75 QSOs 10 were outside of North America

                                 2,950 * 10 = 29,500 total points.

(multipliers count PER band, e.g. K3UK DRCC, number 001 , work on 40
and 20M is two multipliers.  VK7DX worked by a North American station
on 40 and 20M is TWO multipliers).

Submit logs in Cabrillo format to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Feb 1 2008.

Results will be posted at

Those who wish to obtain a DRCC number prior to December 31 may do so
by sending a request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  ARRL defination of continent boundaries .  North America includes
Greenland (OX) and Panama (HP). South America includes Trinidad &
Tobago (9Y), Aruba (P4), Curacao & Bonaire (PJ2-4) and Easter Island
(CE0). Oceania includes Minami Torishima (JD1), Philippines (DU),
Eastern Malaysia (9M6-8) and Indonesia (YB). Asia includes Ogasawara
Islands (JD1), Maldives (8Q), Socotra Island (7O), Abu Ail Island
(J2/A), Cyprus (5B, ZC4), Eastern Turkey (TA2-9) and Georgia (4L).
Europe includes the fourth and sixth call areas of Russia (R1-6),
Istanbul (TA1), all Italian islands (I) and Azores (CU). Africa
includes Ceuta & Melilla (EA9), Madeira (CT3), Gan Island (8Q), French
Austral Territory (FT) and Heard Island (VK0).  See

Suggested Software:  Multipsk, FL-DIGI, DM780, MixW.  Score the
contest manually of via home brewed spreadsheets.
Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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