New release (4.6) of MULTIPSK (PSK250 - DTM/DBM)
  Posted by: "Patrick Lindecker" [EMAIL PROTECTED] f6cte
    Date: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:49 pm ((PST))

New release (4.6) of MULTIPSK

Pour les francophones: la version française de ce message se trouve sur mon 
site ( Il suffit de cliquer sur le lien "Principales 
modifications (courriel avertissant de la sortie de la nouvelle version)".

Hello to all Ham and SWL,

The new release of MULTIPSK (4.6) is in my Web site ( 
The main mirror site is Earl's, N8KBR: 
(click on "United States").

Another mirror site isTerry's:
Multispk associated to Clock are freeware programs but with functions submitted 
to a licence (by user key).

The main modifications of MULTIPSK 4.6 are the following:

1) Decoding/coding of the BPSK250/QPSK250 modes. 
The BPSK250 and QPSK250 modes derive from BPSK31/QPSK31 but they are eigh times 
faster. See specifications further on.

2) ALE and ALE400: transmission of small DTM et DBM messages.

3) Frequencemeter function
This frequencemeter, integered to the "Spectrum" function, measures the 
frequency of respectively the left input signal and the right input signal, up 
to about 20 Khz (only the licencied copies).

4) Fax HF: possibility to modify the shift, from 700 to 1200 Hz.

For information, for all the Multipsk exotic modes (PSKFEC31, PSK10, PSKAM, 
CHIP, Voice, Packet 110 bauds...), I propose the QRP frequency: 14075 Khz USB 
(AF around 1000 Hz), at 17h00 UTC.


BPSK250 and QPSK250
Description :
Baud rate  : 250
Speed  : 296 wpm in capital letters and 408 wpm in small letters (average)
Bandwidth  : about 500 Hz,
Lowest S/N : -2 dB

For the remainder, the characteristics are identical to the ones of 
BPSK31/QPSK31 modes.

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