Unlike the regular wide ALE mode, ALE400 has been mostly used for QSO's ,
and less for soundings. It is fairly robust and works well in FAE down into
the weeds quite nicely.


I mostly use ALE400 FAE mode to call CQ, or specific stations that are known
to sit on frequency.  When the connect is made then do a keyboard to
keyboard QSO.  


When I hear a station respond during a sounding (either hfn or qrz) , I'll
try a connect, and , if the operator is absent usually disconnect, compose
mail and then reconnect and send a short note or a  small .doc file to his
mailbox with a disconnect coming automatically at the end of the data


This is a very sociable mode, especially for rag-chewers like myself, where
the intent is to communicate, and sounding function is a useful side benefit
to see who is around and what the propagation is like.


By the way, 30 M opened up around 2200Z on the 29th, copying RTTY stations
form JA, South America, Europe, etc. I am becoming a believer in this band
hi hi


Happy New Year to all from the great white north




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