I will add that I was monitoring Keyboard to Keyboard Pactor the other
night on both the main rig using a soundcard and MixW with Inverted VEE up
around 35 feet with ends around 10 feet, using Kenwood TS 2000, while also
monitoring same QSO with Portable station using SCS controller and inverted
V up 15 feet with ends around 4 feet.  
FWIW, The copy on the SCS was more accurate, with less dropouts.  The rig
there was FT-897d.
The Contestia mode looks to have some promise as a compromise between speed
and ability to work under less than favorable conditions.
We had varying degree of success with MT-63 over the weekend.  Some stations
needed soundcard calibration, but some did quite well.

-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 9:52 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Is PACTOR I Actually DEAD For KBD - KBD?

Elaine and I had some attempts to work each other the past few days as I 
heard her on the bands but we were always quite weak to each other. If 
we had been using Pactor modems, especially those from non SCS 
manufacturers, I doubt that we would have had any luck connecting.

We did have a small amount of success with MFSK16 which you would think 
would work the best. I know that I have more trouble tuning and locking 
in this mode than I used to but I am not sure why. The really curious 
thing is that Elaine switched to RTTY which you would think would be 
much worse of a mode and yet we were able to do some level of success in 
printing. Then she switched to Hell mode and while not the most 
sensitive mode, was able to copy about 50% of the characters since there 
was severe QSB on a barely discernible signal on the waterfall or by ear.

It would have been interesting to try FAE 400 though, but maybe 
conditions were just too poor for even that mode.

I could not imagine going back to hardware boxes due to the cost and the 
vendor lock in issue. At one time we had G-Tor on Kantronics, Pactor on 
SCS, and Clover II on HAL, and the only mode that had some level of 
compatibility was Pactor of the three proprietary (or quasi proprietary 
like Pactor) modes. We all know which one survived to go one and become 
the most popular of the three on the ham bands?

The more hams that can use a given mode, the more chance of success of 
that mode with additional attributes taken into consideration 
(sensitivity, ease of use, ability to work under difficult conditons, etc.).


Rick, KV9U

Patricia (Elaine) Gibbons wrote:
> *//* 
> */I prefer live chat via Pactor-I .. /*
> *//* 
> */The problem is the decline in general usage by /*
> */most radio amateurs who prefer to not purchase a /*
> */a TNC for this mode, and instead use soundcard/*
> */modes .. /*
> *//* 
> */Jus sayin /*
> *//* 
> */Elaine /*
> --
> Patricia (Elaine) Gibbons
> http://www.qrz. <http://www.qrz.com/wa6ube> com/wa6ube


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