Maybe a bit off topic but I have placed this on "Linux hams" with no 
reply, so apologies in advance.
This is the third time over 3 months that I have put a query on that 
forum without a reply, maybe the group is dead.

I have downloaded pskmail_pup_w-0.5.5, installed and runs ok in windows.
I cannot get PTT.
I have done a dmesg and only ttyS0 is listed. I cannot use this port as 
it is committed to CAT on a range of  windows applications.
I have a PCI Com card which Widows lists as Com3, and it is this port 
that I use for all PTT on all the other Windows programs.
Is there any way that this PCI com can be made to be seen by PUPPY, and 
subsequently used for PTT.

Kevin VK5OA

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