Hey Charles!

Me thinks you've got a rather broad brush being used here.

Someone says that PACTOR is dead..........period.  Another has said
that PACTOR is dead........and if I was smart, I'd pitch my AEA unit
like everyone else.

You, speaking for Packet enthusiasts, say Packet operators won't
climb on board this innocent proposal because they're constantly
being QRMed by PACTOR lids and for that reason, the Packet
operators want nothing to do with anything that remotely touches

That isn't fair to me, and any number of other folks who like the
PACTOR I mode and are kindling a small surge of rebirth in the
mode's interest.  I've always followed the rules as they have, I'm
sure.  Individual PACTOR I operations cannot possibly be linked
to BOTS, Winlink or whatever.  I'm sure that Jack has been a
considerate and law-abiding Ham for all his licensed life and
means no ill-will towards anyone, least of all disrespect.

I bet you and the others don't even know Jack and doubt you
have ever been deliberately interferred with by him.  I doubt
he'd like to be included in any association with Winlink and
the BOTS any more than I would.

That message you quoted was a friendly, enthusiastic idea that
came about from some ideas that have been bantered about
offline amongst myself and some others who want to use  our
TNCs and PACTOR I again, just because.

Seriously, this business about Winlink and BOTS is getting
just a bit hysterical I think, to the point of irrationality.  I say
that simply because of your reaction and you're not alone at
all.  AND.......it's understandable for sure.

But, jeez, Charles.  Aren't you being a bit harsh to the point
that you're taking a swipe at everyone?  That's exactly what
the Packet operators don't want for themselves.

I was on last night running my PK232 through its paces and
getting reacquainted with it.  I even made a couple of contacts
with it using PACTOR I during Sunday and it was fun!  Surely,
you're not going to call me a lid simply because of using the
PACTOR mode, alledged to being mis-used by others
alledged to have a totally selfish agenda are you?

Just my polite $ .02 worth.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Brabham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Pactor & Packet Spot Page now up.

> Don't hold your breath while you wait for an enthusiastic response from
> Packet operators, who are constantly QRM'ed by PACTOR Lids and generally
> will not tolerate being associated with them, in any way.
> The difference is that the Packet folks do not feel that they have a
> god-given right to crash other hams' QSO's. We operate according to PART97
> and The Amateur's Code.
> - When we are not having our QSO crashed by a mindless PACTOR Lid, that
> is...

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