
If your goal is to set up an automated beacon on the 10 meter band, then 
you're ok as per Part 97.203. It looks like your out of luck if you want 
to test propagation using your own beacon on the lower HF frequencies 
without being present in the shack.

That being the case, why not call CQ instead of broadcasting a one way 
beacon? You'll pretty much gain the same knowledge about propagation and 
make a contact in the interim!

If your interests are strictly propagation, there's always the NCDXF 
beacons. They are in continuous operation 24/7 on 14100.0, 18110.0, 
21.150.0, 24.930.0 and 28.200.0.

Good luck with your endeavors...

Tony -K2MO

>My Question, is a beacon a beacon if is maned, or does it have to be 
>unmaned to be a beacon.
>For me my beacon has not be on the air without being here at the PC. So 
>do we scrip the testing or find a
>spot up on 10m. Russell NC5O

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