Hello to all,

I had a surprise chat with NO4Y, Herman, Elizabeth City, NC
at 1746Z on14.080 dial today.  Nice signal into Richmond, IN
and I have to say it was GREAT fun using my archaic, out-of-
date, PK-232MBX and XPware software.

Of course, my activity was not without blemish.  While calling
CQ, again on 14.080 dial, another strong PACTOR station 
started sending on 14.0811 dial.  I was unable to copy it at all 
but it sounded "different".  In trying to tune it in, I did notice that
I picked up a fragment of a CQ string from W6FSY; I don't think
that strong PACTOR signal was him however.

Started calling CQ again when it was quiet and found myself in the
company of one of the "musical" multi-tone modes just above me.
Fairly strong signal; never have really learned how to tell one 
multi-tone signal from another by ear and on the fly, sadly.

I did post a PACTOR I spot on:
 http://www.projectsandparts.com/pactor/ and found quite a few
stations posting there, though not much from the U.S.  I did see
one MULTIPSK entry amongst all the SCS units and one other
PK-232 listing.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

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