Actually,  It's not our property.  We are squatters.  As long as we respect
the property and don't run it down, we will continue to have occupancy.
The real owner always looks after his investment.  
When the owner has a non-productive tenant that assumes the property belongs
to him, not the real owner, the owner makes the necessary adjustments to
reclaim productive use of the property.
I will let you all in on a real well-kept secret (NOT).  The D-700 bill for
Digital TV and 700 MHz contained copious amounts of money devoted to
enhancing 911 comms and interoperability.  Guess where a lot of it went?
Amateur Radio.  BTW, that is common knowledge, so don't let it get out.
Wink Wink - Nudge Nudge.
Another point to consider is that the Government Employee who will be
operating this equipment is maintaining (and will probably continue to
maintain) and average age south of 40 years old.  The same cannot be said
for the Amateur Radio community who is letting attrition and lack of appeal
to younger members raise the average age north of 60 years old.  
There is something about that survival instinct that trumps tradition fed
attrition every time.
The time to be worrying about this dynamic, and making preparations to
prevent it from happening was decades ago.  At this point in time, all the
bluster is as useful as re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Roger J. Buffington
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Oregon Governor Allocates $250,000 for
Digital Communications Network

jgorman01 wrote:
> Does this ever increasing number of government agencies doing this
> scare the bejeebers out of anybody. That is, the government buying
> permanent infrastructure and someday wanting a return on investment,
> like using it to augment regular communications?
> Jim WA0LYK
Exactly right. When the Government buys infrastructure and puts it on 
your property, i.e. the ham bands, it does not take long before it 
becomes their property, i.e. the ham bands.

Great. Just great.

de Roger W6VZV


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