I've been remiss in answering some of your questions.  You'll either
have the start of a pactor type emission or an illegal emission type.  

I had this argument several years ago when pactor 3 showed up.  If you
look at J7D, it is defined as "Single-sideband, suppressed carrier;
with two or more channels containing quantized or digital information;
consisting of data transmission, telemetry, telecommand.  I'm still
not sure how pactor 3 got designated as J2D rather than J7D.  The only
answer I got was that pactor 3 modems are designed to be connected to
one computer at a time and the single data stream is multiplexed over
all the "tones" that are in use.  In other words, the modem itself is
not a multiplexing device and there are not "individual" channels for
different data streams.  It seems to me that if you did the
multiplexing in your computer so that you end up with only one data
stream and did not dedicate psk channels to a given data channel then
you would be ok.  This would require some "demuxing" at the far end

You'll need to be careful in your design to make sure it doesn't get
classed as J7D, which is not allowed on the amateur bands.


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Alan Barrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But back to digital radio.... I've got an idea to stack 3 psk 
> signals together side by side and run in a normal SSB radio. 
> Multiplex the data across the multiple psk paths. I think that would
> be legal, and technically possible. No restriction I see on multiple
> transmissions with different data streams.  Any single signal meets 
> symbol rate & bandwidth fcc restrictions even as proposed by the new
> petition. Might could even do 4! Or maybe do the same with Pactor 1 
> to get ARQ, already looking at the linux source.
> Kind of like the fsk/afsk debate. Is it a different mode if you 
> can't tell the signal's apart remotely? Turing test for radio.
> That's what I'll move to if we ban the wider data modes. Think it 
> will work?
> Have fun,
> Alan

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