In Canada, we are "encouraged" by RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) and the
Canadian government to follow the newly released

IARU Region 2 Band plan. 


The station you singled out, VE2AFQ, is not operating "illegally" when
operating just below 14070 as a Pactor PMBO.  A polite reminder sent to the
station might work?


There are a number of US PMBO Stations which list access frequencies very
close to 14070.0 . K6IXA, KB6YNO, N0IA , to name a few. 

These are certainly not in the unattended band portion.  Have a look at the
Winlink station list for more information.


So this brings up the questions;


"is it acceptable for US stations to ignore the IARU Region 2 band plan,
when FCC regulations allow them to, or should they attempt

To voluntarily follow the IARU band plan AND comply with FCC regulations?"




" Should the IARU attempt to have member countries accept the band plan as
written, and to enact a set of bandwidth-based regulations which would
enforce this plan? "





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