Hello Group.  I searched this forum to see if anyone else had a
question about 'Domino' digital modes and ARRL's Logbook-of-The-World.

All I found was the following request:

> Subject: [ARRL-LOTW] First International DominoEx Prefix Contest
> Any one know what mode designator would be best when uploading
> these QSO's to LoTW?
> 73 John ZL1BYZ.

I sent an email earlier this month to ask ARRL about adding Domino to
LoTW, as it's refused on any upload attempts.

Here's the email I sent:

" Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:55 PM
To: lotw-help
Subject: k2ncc - domino and LoTW


I see that Domino digital modes are not accepted in LoTW.

Any chance that Domino can be added as a 'DATA' emission mode?  It's
certainly more popular than Clover or FSK441.

A complete search of your site doesn't return anything for Domino,
although at least two of the popular digital-modes software has it as
an option.

Many thanks for your considerations.

73.  Frank K2NCC "


..... Here's ARRL's rather generic response:


"from   Fusaro, Norm W3IZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
date    Jan 21, 2008 12:30 PM
subject RE: k2ncc - domino and LoTW
mailed-by       arrl.org
Hi Frank.

Thank you for your suggestion. 

Logbook of The World is a service to verify two way radio contacts
that radio amateurs can use as verification in their pursuit towards
operating awards.  Currently LoTW supports DXCC and WAS. 

The development of new digital modes offers radio amateurs many
options to have exchanges over the airwaves however when it comes to
chasing awards all digital or data modes are treated equally.  This is
similar to the way voice modes are treated in LoTW where AM, FM and
SSB are all the same as far as the award is concerned.

The table of different modes is to accommodate electronic logging
programs and LoTW uses the standard ADIF table.  At the time of LoTW
development some modes had not yet been invented and are missing from
the table. 

If you are having difficulty signing your log because the mode is not
recognized you may have to convert the mode to something generic such
as data.

I hope that this helps you in your pursuit of DXCC.

Thank you for using Logbook of The World.


Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
Assistant Manager,
Membership & Volunteer Programs Department
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio"


So, in summary, Domino digital mode QSOs are to be put in our logs as
"DATA" or some other IFK mode like MFSK.  For what it's worth, I don't
think that really represents an accurate log entry.

Here's the list of accepted modes for LoTW:

Anyone else think this, or other emission types you might use, should
be added to ARRL's Logbook-of-The-World supported modes?

73.  Frank K2NCC

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